Konglig Bergs Spectacle Sellskap (KBSS)

Kongligt Bergs Spectacle Sellskap (KBSS), is a union association at THS, it was founded as early as 1943 and has had a production every year since! That makes us Sweden’s oldest yearly recurring technology performance. The purpose of the association is the execution and preservation of the noble arts of the Spex (theater performance). Historically the ensemble consists mostly of students from the material design program, that is the program traditionally called Bergs. But of course KBSS is a union for which all students at KTH are welcome!

The Spex consists of many different parts that must cooperate and pull together to achieve a good result, therefore the association consists of a number of different types of members. Actors who thrive in the spotlight is a must, in addition to these, people who like to sing, dance and play music, people who can sew, carpenter and paint, students who handle sound and light, film and photo, and those who work with financial and administrative issues.