Trademarks and logotypes

This policy is designed to help you use our trademark and its assets, such as our logotype, core values and name without having to ask us for permission to do so. This policy may be used if you are a THS Chapter, a THS project or a THS Association.

If you would like to use our trademark in any other way than described by this document you’ll have to make contact with and include a visual model of how you would like to use our trademark.

You find these resources in the folder Communication and it’s subfolders Graphics and Templates.

The use of THS logotype and trademarks

THS’ trademarks include, but are not limited to, the name, logotype and values of THS along with all words, phrases, images’ or other designations that identify the source or origin of any of THS’ products.

You must not modify or alter the marks or use them in a confusing way, such as suggested sponsorship, THS approval or any way that causes confusion between THS and other trademarks.

Please read the document THS Brandbook 3.0 before you start. Here are a few tips:

  • Avoid making alternative versions of the emblem or the logotype. These units are specially designed to give a balanced impression.
  • A general rule is to never place the blue logotype or emblem on anything other than a white background.
  • What is the difference between RGB and CMYK?
    • RGB – The color model used in digital publications, such as images on the homepage or Facebook.
    • CMYK – The color model used in printed publications such as posters, documents, and other printed material.

THS Emblem

THS Logotype


This is the preferred format for use in documents and posters.



THS Associations

Questions are answered by

THS Head of Communication