Chair of school councils 2025

Chair of school council (SRO) forms the link between the educational influence within THS centrally and the chapters. The SRO leads the School council where the chapters belonging to the school can raise issues they wish to be heard at a higher level. SRO carries out student influence work so that we can have a better education and study situation through contact with relevant staff from KTH within the school.

Scope of the position:
About four hours a week.

Mandate period:
1st of January 2025 – 31st of December 2025

7% av price base amount

To apply fill out this form:

THS Future faculty

As a member of the THS Future faculty (THS FF), you are a student representative when teachers apply for promotion and when KTH hires new teachers. You will form part of a recruitment or promotion committee together with teachers from KTH and other universities as well as a doctoral student representative and will represent the students’ interest in teachers who provide world-class education.

Scope of the position:
Depens on how many and what cases that you choose to accept.

250 kr/meeting hour

250 kr/meeting hour