THS Teacher of the year

Since 1985 has the students at KTH given out the award “THS Teacher of the year” to a teacher at KTH in order to honor good pedagogy and to encourage pedagogical development. The winner receives a silver apple as a trophy and a certificate at the fall graduation ceremony in the city hall.

Pär Jönsson – Winner 2023

THS Teacher of the year 2023 is Pär Jönsson at the department of Material Science and Engineering, ITM. The following is the motivation: “Pär Jönsson is redefining education through his innovative methodology. He brings practice into the classroom, or rather the classroom into practice, through a concept known as “flipped location.” This approach enables collaboration between students and industry. He also places great emphasis on students’ learning, applying real-world problems and coaching them with practical examples. Pär listens to students’ feedback to continually improve the courses and equips them with the tools to enter the workforce. His dedication goes beyond written examinations; instead, he focuses on deep learning and develops assessment methods that mirror real work environments. He is a visionary who promotes lifelong learning, strives for inclusivity, and builds confidence in every student.”

Selection process

Each chapter can nominate a teacher in the beginning of the fall semester. A working group is recruited to interview and assess the candidates. From these interviews they select a winner! Do you want to be a part of the working group or have any questions about the process? Email

Previous winners:

2023 Pär Jönsson, Materials Science and Engineering

2022 Carl-Mikael Zetterling, Electrical engineering

2021 Mattias Wiggberg, Industrial Economy

2020 Malin Selleby,  Materials Science and Engineering

2019 Armin Halilovic, Matematik

2018 Ulf Karlsson, Ljud och vibration

2017 David Broman, Programvaruteknik och datorsystem

2016 Karin Odelius, Fiber och polymerteknologi

2015 Carl Henrik Ek, Datorseende och robotik

2014 Martin Viklund, Biomed, Fysik röntgenfysik, skolan för teknikvetenskap

2013 Bo Olofsson, Hållbar utv, Miljövetenskap, ABE-skolan

2012 Jesús Azpeitia Seron, Arkitekturskolan

2011 Fredrik Lundell, Skolan för teknikvetenskap

2010 Hans Havtun, Skolan för teknik och management

2009 Olof Ramström, Organisk kemi (CHE-skolan)

2008 Linda Kann, Programmering (CSC-skolan)

2007 –

2006 Lars Filipsson, Matematik (Matematikinstitutionen) (SCI-skolan)

2005 Ulf Henriksson, Fysikalisk kemi

2004 Göran Manneberg, Fysik (optik)

2003 Seshadri Seetharaman, Materialteknik

2002 –

2001 Ninni Carlsund Levin, Numerisk analys och datalogi

2000 Nicholas Apazidis, Mekanik

1999 Henrik Eriksson, Numerisk analys och datalogi

1998 Bo Olofsson, Anläggning och miljö

1996/97 Mats Eriksson, Miljöskydd och arbetsvetenskap

1995/96 Sören Östlund, Hållfasthetslära

1994/95 Bronislaw Krakus, Matematik

1993/94 Tomas Björk, Optimeringslära och systemteori

1992 Kimmo Eriksson, Matematik

1991 Göran Manneberg, Fysik (optik)

1990 Ulf Ståhlberg, Materialbearbetning

1989 Carl-Olof Stawström, Tillämpad elektronik

1988 Jadwiga Krupinska, Formlära

1987 Lars Thor, Mekanik

1986 Olle Heden, Matematik

1985 Sven Erik Rehnman, Jord- och bergmekanik