You can improve KTH through THS! Read below how you can help, depending on what kind of issue it is.

The main purpose of THS as a student union is to safeguard the quality of education at KTH. In order to achieve this, we conduct student influence towards KTH. We work with KTH in a number of different areas:

  • The conditions, contents and design of the education.
  • The study environment and conditions for studies.
  • The physical and mental health of students.

THS student influence happens both centrally and through the chapters. We represent all 14 000 students at KTH together and fight to make sure that KTH continually improves.

Study environment

Each chapter has Student safety representatives (SSO) that pursue matters of the study environment at the programs that belong to the chapter. SSO has professional secrecy.

Contact information to your SSO is found in THS chapters and programs.

PhD matters

The PhD chapter (Dr) conducts student influence on the behalf of PhD students at KTH. Contact information is found on their website,

All PhD students are also welcome to contact THS PhD Student Advisor. Read more here.

Course level

Each course at KTH should have a course committee consisting of students at the course that meet with the teachers to discuss the views of the ones taking the course. You can of course also talk to your teacher yourself directly.

Another way to deliver your course feedback is to fill in the course evaluation form that is sent out after each course round. It comes to your KTH email so check there after the end of the course.

Programme level

Each chapter has a study board that works with matters that affect the programmes that belong to the chapter. They can also help you with delivering feedback to the teacher of a course if you don’t want to do it yourself. The study boards are made up out of your fellow students, so if you want to help your peers then that’s the place to join.

Contact information to your study board is found in THS chapters and programs.

School level

KTH has five Schools: ABE (School of Architecture and the Built Environment), CBH (School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health), EECS (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) , ITM (School of Industrial Engineering and Management) and SCI (School of Engineering Sciences). Under the Schools you have the institutions who in turn are responsible for your courses. On a student representative level we have our SRO:s (School Council Presidents), one at each school. They attend meetings with KTH at the School level.

Contacts to SRO:

KTH general level

Students are represented by elected people in THS Management team at a KTH general level. They are students that have taken a study break to work with student influence full time. Depending on the issue, different people are responsible.

Get yourself involved!

All student influence is based on the effort made by students that want to help their fellow students. To get involved is both rewarding and informative. If you wonder how you can take your first step, contact the study board at your chapter.

Contact information to your study board and student safety representative is found in THS chapters and programs.