Arkitektursektionen (A)
Arkitektursektionen (A)
Arkitektursektionen (A), is created by architectural students at KTH. The purpose is to improve education and create a good atmosphere during your study time. It is about meeting new people and finding new contexts, but above all, having fun. Arkitektursektionen (A) is there to help you realize your ideas. The first chapter meeting was held on November 15, 1910.
Bergssektionen (B)
Bergssektionen (B)
Bergssektionen (B), was founded in 1819 in Falun. In 1866, the education was moved to KTH where it is still present today. Bergssektionen (B) is part of THS Student Union at KTH and you are part of the chapter if you are studying Material Design.
In 1943, Tore “Pekka” Norén founded Konglig Bergs Spectacle Sellskap, which is the oldest running student farce in Sweden.
All students at Bergssektionen (B) are called “Bergsmänn” and their partners for “Hüttor”.
The purpose of Bergssektionen (B) is to improve the education and study environment during your time at KTH. The chapter has very good relations with companies primary within manufacturing industry.
Datassektionen (D)
Datassektionen (D)
Datasektionen, or the Computer Science Chapter is a non-profit student chapter under THS which exists to give all CS students at KTH the best study time possible. We achieve this in part by monitoring the courses in the programme, and in part by organising activities outside of the studies themselves. We’re a bit like a watchdog, and a bit like a fraternity (but more open). In the chapter there are several groups doing specific stuff that interests them.
Doktorandsektionen (Dr)
Doktorandsektionen (Dr)
Doctoral students’ network The PhD Chapter is a network of engaged PhD students that unites and represents all the PhD students at KTH. It facilitates initiatives and creates a space for personal, professional and educational development. PhD Chapter at KTH monitors, informs about and stands for students’ rights and quality of education and research. It enriches the PhD students’ lives with recreational activities. PhD chapter at KTH is part of THS, the student union at KTH.
The PhD Chapter at KTH has been active since 1980. With the effort of many active PhD students at KTH, the Chapter promotes more effective and higher quality PhD education and research. It also promotes a stimulating working environment, and improves the general conditions for its members. The Chapter also works towards a greater unity and fellowship among its members.
Elektrosektionen (E)
Elektrosektionen (E)
Konglig Elektrosektionen (or The Electrical Engineering Chapter) is a union of students studying Electrical Engineering at KTH in Stockholm and is a part of THS. The Chapter was founded on November 10, 1910.
The Chapters activities consist of student welfare, educational affairs, organizing parties and reception of new students among other things to increase the well being of students during their time here.
Flygsektionen (T)
Flygsektionen (T)
Kongliga Flygsektionen, The Flight Chapter, is a nonprofit organization for students enrolled in the Vehicle Engineering program at KTH. Our Chapter Hall goes by “T-Centralen” (or “TC” for short) and is not to be mistaken for the incredibly more train-dense T-Centralen.
The members of the Chapter are referred to as “Flygare” and wear the traditional tail-coat (“B-frack“). The Flight Chapter’s letter is “T” (because “T” is after “S”) and its color is beautifully dark blue. The Flight Chapter was founded on September 11th 1969, prior to this date it was merely called the Naval Chapter. The Winged Hull (“Det Bevingade Skrovet”) is the Chapter emblem and is proudly flaunted on the back of the tail-coat that is worn on occasion by the Chapter’s members.
Fysiksektionen (F)
Fysiksektionen (F)
The Physics Chapter (F) is part of the THS and brings together all students studying in the Master of Science in Engineering Physics, Technical Mathematics, the master’s programs in Technical Physics, Nuclear Technology, Applied Mathematics and Computational Mathematics and Mathematics.
The purpose of the chapter is to safeguard the students’ interests by actively working for a better study time. This is done, among other things, by monitoring study and work environment issues, arranging parties, spex, sports activities, company presentations and much more.
For more information about our section, go to our website and read more!
Ingenjörssektionen Bygg (IsB)
Ingenjörssektionen Bygg (IsB)
Ingenjörssektionen Bygg (IsB), is the chapter for students in Construction Technology and Production programme. We are a non-profit organisation connected with THS at KTH. We work to ensure that students studying get a wonderful study time and the opportunity evolve.
Ingenjörssektionen Flemingsberg (IsF)
Ingenjörssektionen Flemingsberg (IsF)
We are the chapter at THS, which is responsible for student life for everybody who studies computer science, electrical and medical technology at Campus Flemingsberg.
Kemisektionen (K)
Kemisektionen (K)
Kongliga Kemisektionen (The Chemistry Chapter), a part of THS (Student Union at KTH) is the chapter for the composition of the students studying the Master programs in Chemistry and Biotechnology and the Bachelor program in Chemistry at KTH.
The purpose of the Chapter is to support studies and the student life for its members. Education influence, social activities, business connections, and student welfare are examples of things we strive and work for.
The Chapter were founded in 1910 and the chapter color is golden yellow. Our emblem is a salamander clutching a chemical vessel with our motto: Vertias Hermetica.
Our Chapter Hall is Draget, short for Dragskåpet and you can find us at Campus.
Maskinsektionen (M)
Maskinsektionen (M)
Maskinsektionen (M), is the chapter at KTH for students studying Master of Science in Engineering in Design and Product Realisation.
Year Founded: 1910
Produktionssektionen (P)
Produktionssektionen (P)
Produktionssektionen (P) is a part of THS, and is responsible for the activities at Campus Södertälje. The chapter handles, among other things, study commitment, pub/party activities and reception of new students.
Capter president:
Capter president:
Samhällsbyggnadssektionen (S)
Samhällsbyggnadssektionen (S)
Samhällsbyggnadssektionen (S), originates from one of the seven first chapters. The chapter was founded in 2002 by merging the previous chapters V and L.
The chapters reception is consider to be the most expensive of all chapters at KTH. The chapter includes thee education programme, The Master of Science in Engineering in Environment and Natural Resources, Bachelor programme in Real Estate and Finance and Bachelor programme in Real Estate Development.
Sektionen för Civilingenjör & Lärare (CL)
Sektionen för Civilingenjör & Lärare (CL)
The Chapter started in 2002 and deals with education commitment, study social activities and business activities. In addition, we organise the reception for alla new students each year. Unlike other programmes at KTH, the students receive double degree, A teacher degree with Specialisation for upper-secondary school and a Master Degree in Engineering.
Sektionen för Energi och Miljö (W)
Sektionen för Energi och Miljö (W)
The chapter for Energy and Environment is part of KTH’s Student Union (THS) and represents all students studying engineering and environment at KTH. The chapter works to safeguard students’ best interests by monitoring educational standards, organizing activities to promote contact-building and highlight career opportunities, or generally ensuring that student experiences are positive.
This website mainly functions as a database for official documents, so if you want stay up to date with all the different activities held by the chapter we recommend following our Facebook page, which can be seen on the right-panel of this website.
Sektionen för Industriell ekonomi (I)
Sektionen för Industriell ekonomi (I)
Chapter for Industriell ekonomi (I), organizes students in the Master of Science programme in Industrial Economics and the Master’s Program in Industrial Economics and Organization.
Sektionen för Informations- och Nanoteknik (IN)
Sektionen för Informations- och Nanoteknik (IN)
The Chapter For Information- and Nanotechnology is part of the Student Union at the Royal Institute of Technology and is one of its largest chapters. Our goal is to work on behalf of the students to represent our interests towards the school, to improve the studying environment, and to arrange social events that help make life worth living!
Our members are masters, candidate, and bachelor students studying at the KTH Campus in Kista. All members receive benefits such as discounts and the opportunity to work as chapter volunteers! Have a look at the list of clubs and committees below – if you find one that peaks your interest, don’t hesitate to contact us to become a member!
Sektionen för Medicinsk Teknik (MiT)
Sektionen för Medicinsk Teknik (MiT)
The chapter for Medical Technology (MiT), is an chapter under the Technical University Student Union (THS) for students studying the medical engineering program medical technology at KTH. The chapters statutes and guidelines are partly governed by THS but are led by a board consisting of students from the program.
The chapter was founded on December 4, 2008 and is the first to coordinate students in medical engineering Master’s and Master’s programs. The color adopted by the chapter is baby blue and can be seen among other things on the students’ overalls and the section tab.
The chapter has its headquarters at KTH’s campus in Flemingsberg and Valhallavägen. In the spring of 2013, the section changed its name from the Section for Medical Informatics and Technology to the Section for Medical Technology, as the informatics program no longer exists.
Sektionen för Medieteknik (Me)
Sektionen för Medieteknik (Me)
A lot is happening at Media!
The chapter for Media Technology is available for students at the Media Technology program at KTH. Its main purpose is to meet the needs of the students during the study period, influence our education, make sure you are there for you as a student and then reduce the threshold for working life.
Medias work is using the four cornerstones, openness, togetherness, recognition and development to create an environment where people thrive and develop. Close ties to the media industry and its actors will help students during their studies, but also give them opportunities for business contacts and a network that simplifies the step into their careers.
Sektionen för Öppen Ingång (OPEN)
Sektionen för Öppen Ingång (OPEN)
The chapter for Open Entrance, also called OPEN, is for all students at the Royal Institute of Technology who started their studies at the Civil Engineering program Open Entrance. The chapter also belongs to the Technical University Student Union, THS, since its inception in 2003.
The background to both the chapter and the program is to offer students the opportunity to try the civil engineering studies before the final choice of specialization. A year in the civil engineering program Open Entrance means that you read one year without a specialization and then this spring you can choose one of the programs that many others chose before they started at KTH. This does not mean that you read an extra year, but instead you start the second year on the chosen program. From Open Entrance you can choose all the civil engineering programs offered at KTH.
As a chapter, OPEN is very unique as the students are members for a maximum of one year and then move on to a new program and its associated section. As a result, the section is replaced every year by those who have started the education. However, this does not hinder the work on which the section is based; to present the student’s case and to defend their interests regarding both study and leisure. The chapter regularly organizes gas kits, joint trips and activities for the section members.
The Chapter for Technical Prepatory Year (TBas)
The Chapter for Technical Prepatory Year (TBas)
The chapter for Technical Prepatory Year (TBas) is a chapter under THS Student Union at KTH for students studying the Technical Prepatory Year at KTH Campus Valhallavägen. The chapters is led by a board consisting of students from the program.
The chapter was founded on February 23, 2021. Its colours are pastel green and black.
Chapter president:
Chapter president: