Tekniska Högskolans Radioklubb (THR)

”THR stands for ””Tekniska Högskolans Radioklubb”” and is the Radio Club association of THS Student Union at KTH, the Royal Institue of Technology in Stockholm. The club was founded in 1955 by some graduate students who were amateur radio operators. For quite a while, THR has been not only a radio club but also an electronics club in which we keep ourselves busy with, among other things:

  • All operational and technical aspects of amateur radio. The clubs call sign is SKØBU.
  • Electronic experiments and home-brewing. (e.g. digital techniques, Hi-Fi, Video)

THR also has an electronics lab which occasionally has been used by faculties (departments) that were less well-equipped than THR. Many undergraduate students have had their first practical experience with electronics at THR. Concerning documentation and books, THR has a large library of radio- and electronics books and magazines. THR usually has about 50 to 70 members. Students from the electrical engineering and computer science departments are well represented for natural reasons but other students are also members. Many members are also KTH alumni.

We are located at the bell tower at the courtyard, stop by and say hi!

Association contact email:


Social Media:
Facebook: Tekniska Högskolans Radioklubb – THR