Engineering Students Exploring Research (EStER)

The purpose of the THS Student Union association Engineering Students Exploring Research (EStER) is to create a community for students interested in research and to do research, as well as to make it easier for students to contribute to research and prepare for a future research career. Our activities include

  • Guest Lectures: We invite PhD students and professors who are experts in their respective fields to share their knowledge and experience with our members. The topics for these lectures must be in natural science, technology and mathematics.
  • Study visits: We organize visits to research facilities, museums and other academic institutions so that our members can see how research is conducted and applied both within academia and industry.
  • Workshops: We organize workshops where we help our members develop important academic and professional skills such as writing, presentation and research skills.
  • Informal meetings: We will also offer informal meetings where our members have the opportunity to socialize and share their interests and aspirations in research.

The focus is consistently on the subjects of friendship with nature, technology and mathematics, and the activities must be non-partisan and religious. We welcome all members who agree with the purpose of the association.

Association contact email: