Interview with KP, the Union presidium HT24

Read the interviews with the students in KL that are looking for successors for 2025! The interviews are translated from Swedish and slightly edited.

You can read about all positions open right now and how to apply here!

Table of contents

Head of THS International – Malin Svenberg

"Working so closely with people from so many different roles, study programs and cultures, has been one of the most rewarding things I've done so far."

Describe your role

As Head of THS International you work for international students, both those who come to KTH but also those who go on exchange. You support the union committees that are part of THS International – THS Main, THS Sports, and THS International Reception, in their activities. But you also meet with KTH to coordinate different events, and support the chapters in their work with international students and sport.

What has been most fun in your role?

The most fun part of the role for me, as a previous outgoing exchange student, has been to been a part of hopefully improving international students experience here at KTH – both through meetings directly with KTH and from helping with the organisation of events. As well as working closely with people who are really passionate about the work they do even if it’s different than mine, both in THS International and the rest of KL.

What has been most unexpected in your role?

How many people there are at KTH who work with international students in different ways, and how much KTH cares about the events and work THS does for international students.

Read more about the position and how to apply here!

THS Head of Educational affairs – Emil Wik

"I've learnt more during my time in KL than during my studies at KTH."

Describe your role

As Head of Educational affiars, you do student representation at KTH central. This means both that you represent students of all educational levels and coodinate student influence at KTH central. We are also a link between the chapters and THS in educational matters.

What has been most fun in your role?

The most fun with being Head of Educational affairs is to have a say in matters that are discussed at KTH to make sure that the students get the best possible conditions of studies. The community within KL where everyone works towards a common goal and their openness to discuss across the positions has been very appreciated.

What has been most unexpected in your role?

How much KTH cares about student influence and what weight is places on what we say in the places where we are represented.

Read more about the position and how to apply here!

THS Event manager – Frida Andersson

"To see students enjoy and have fun during the events that we arrange is so worth the time and effort!"

Describe your role

As Event manager you work to fill Nymble with life. On the on hand you get to coodinate chapter events in Nymble, during the reception for instance. You also get the chance to plan your own events like the Tentapubs and Octo-beer-fest together with the Program group (PrG) which consists of NKM, RN and Platoon.

What has been most fun in your role?

The most fun thing about beeing the Event manager has been to work with such competent people that are dedicated to making our time as students better and more fun. Both within PrG, where each group has their special skills that together make the Tentapubs the success that they are for example, but also within KL where each person are passionate for something specific. The new perspectives that you get in the everyday discussions in the office has made me grow more than I could have imagined.

What has been most unexpected in your role?

How many puzzle pieces that has to come together so that large events, such as the Tentapubs, can happen. But also how easy it can be when you work with competent people.

Read more about the position and how to apply here!

THS Head of Student welfare – Jesper Fleetwood

"To work for the students right to advocate and their well being has been more rewarding, both competence wise and personally, than I ever could imagine."

Describe your role

The role as Head of Student welfare acts primarily as a student representative at KTH in matters regarding the physical and psycho-social study environment for students. In the role you also talk a lot directly to students about well being, inclusion and the study environment.

What has been most fun in your role?

To be a part of the work towards a better KTH within the education but also the student union and student well being. To be a part of and work with THS management team, where everyone has their own responsibilities and competencies, has also been incredibly fun!

What has been most unexpected in your role?

The amount of places and matters where student representatives are present and ways that they can influence KTH.

Read more about the role and how to apply here!

Project manager of THS Armada – Jeffrey Chang

"Do a complex but awesome project and enable employee contact at KTH!"

Describe your role

As Project manager for THS Armada you’re in charge of arranging the work fair days together with a project group of 20 students and over 200 volunteers. It is a large project with an income of over 7 million SEK and the fair itself is a valuable platform for students to meet their future employers.

What has been most fun in your role?

The most fun about the role is to start up a project group that you will work closely with for almost a year and plan the largest work fair in Scandinavia. It is also very fun to travel and meet others in my position as well as the community in the management team with the others that hold positions of trust.

What has been most unexpected in your role?

How complex the project is and how many things that you need to keep track of.

Read more about the role and how to apply here!

THS News

Interviews with THS Union presidium 2024/2025

The Students’ Own Bookstore

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Regarding the incident in, and impact on Nymble on June 7, 2024