Right now, you can apply for THS Union president and THS Union vice president for the operational year 2025/2026! THS Nomination committee has interviewed the current Union presidium to learn more about what the positions entail and why people should apply.
You can read more about the positions, apply or nominate here.
THS Union president 2024/2025 – Gustav Heldt (CL)
"Do you want to work for students' rights while developing as a leader, experiencing exciting opportunities, and building a broad network? Apply for Union President!"
Gustav Heldt, THS Union president 2024/2025
Describe briefly what the position of Union president entails.
As Union president, you are the foremost representative of the union, both towards KTH and other stakeholders. This involves attending meetings with KTH’s management to represent students’ interests at the highest level. Additionally, you lead THS operations together with the Union vice president and are a member of the Union board.
What has been the most enjoyable part of your role?
It’s hard to say, but the most enjoyable part is working alongside other ambitious students in the Management team and the Union board who also care about students’ education, leisure, and future.
Additionally, as Union president, you get many exciting opportunities! You get to attend extraordinary events (for instance, the Nobel Banquet), go on amazing trips, and build a broad network with inspiring individuals. It’s simply an exciting position!
What has been the most surprising part of your role?
The most surprising part is how much you are tied to your calendar. One of the most important aspects of being Union president is staying on top of your schedule and email inbox.
How do the positions of Union president and Vice president differ from one another?
Representation, contact with KTH, and political work naturally fall under the Union President’s responsibilities, while the Union vice president handles more internal matters related to finances, organization, and employment. Of course, this varies somewhat from year to year and between presidiums.
This year, we’ve continued along that track, with the Union president primarily managing contact with the Management team (the other full-time students working for the union), while the Union vice president handles interactions with the staff.
What kind of person would make a good Union president?
Someone who dares to take space and isn’t afraid to speak their mind. It’s also important to be able to network and “mingle” with people. As President, being attentive and able to take in and address members’ opinions and thoughts effectively is key. A good skill for the Union president is being able to prioritize tasks. Your time in the role is limited, so you can’t do everything, but focusing on the “right” things is essential.
It’s also beneficial to think big and be somewhat of a visionary, especially regarding THS’s long-term development. Having ideas about how THS operates and could improve for its members is a strong advantage. As Union president, you are expected to be in the spotlight, so being comfortable on stage can definitely be a plus.
What’s a current issue you think your successor will continue working on?
A few current issues that will carry over into next year are the campus relocation and how it will impact students’ study environments, as well as organizational development, including fundraising and improving the union’s staff operations.
THS Union vice president 2024/2025 – Linn Nyholm (A)
"A year in the Management team is a unique opportunity to gain leadership experience, and this role lets you genuinely drive development processes."
Linn Nyholm, THS Union vice president 2024/2025
Describe briefly what the position of Union vice president entails.
As Union vice president, you stand alongside the Union president at the forefront of the organization. You carry a significant portion of the responsibility for the organization’s operations, particularly regarding financial management. You are responsible for leadership and creating the conditions needed for both elected representatives and staff to perform their work effectively.
As Union vice president, you constantly make trade-offs, decisions, and take positions on matters that affect our operations in various ways. You must balance hands-on “here and now” tasks with a focus on long-term strategic work.
To summarize briefly: Responsibility, finances, trade-offs, strategic/operational work, and enabling others to succeed in their roles.
What has been the most enjoyable part of your role?
What I enjoy most is being in a role where I can genuinely drive development processes. My ability to delve into and sort out complexities has grown significantly. I also value working in a volunteer capacity among other passionate individuals and witnessing the energy and drive within our organization, both centrally and locally.
I’m incredibly grateful for my personal growth, the lessons I’ve learned, and the opportunity to work trust-based with others. It’s something I truly value. This is like a one-year leadership internship in a forgiving environment—a unique and incredible opportunity.
What has been the most surprising part of your role?
Perhaps realizing that being Union vice president is far from just being a “backup” Union president. Instead, we are a team of two people with distinct areas of responsibility. The “Vice Presidency” itself is only a small part of the role.
Another surprising aspect has been understanding how much of my work involves the Union board. I knew I’d be part of it, but I didn’t anticipate it would be such a substantial part of the role. This might also reflect the priorities I’ve set this year.
How do the roles of Union president and Union vice president differ from one another?
The roles have distinct areas of responsibility. The Union president handles politics and external work, while I manage internal operations on-site. That said, there are areas where our responsibilities overlap, such as our shared leadership of the Management team. But these are definitely two different roles with their own domains that complement each other. We work together on some tasks, but it’s not two people sharing the same work. You might say the Union president needs to have the ability to speak, while the Union vice president needs the ability to think.
The Union vice president must frequently zoom in and out, addressing both specific budget details and overall financial outcomes. This isn’t micromanagement but rather discussing issues with relevant stakeholders as they arise. I’m not sure the Union president has the same need for this; my impression is that their analysis is more high-level and doesn’t require diving into small details.
What kind of person would make a good Union vice president?
Someone who is meticulous, attentive, and eager to grow.
What’s a current issue you think your successor will continue working on?
An ongoing topic is the current development work.