Regarding the incident in, and impact on Nymble on June 7, 2024

During the spring term, people gathered to express their opinions on KTH’s campus on Valhallavägen. The ability to use one’s constitutionally protected rights to participate in democratic processes is a prerequisite for both the student union and society at large. THS is a democratic, member-driven organization whose purpose is to influence and contribute to the development of students’ education, as well as the prerequisite for social activities and future opportunities opportunities at KTH.

On Friday, June 7, a group of individuals chose to barricade themselves on the top floor of Nymble, the student union building at KTH. The group confined themselves in a room by using furniture and glue to block doors. Locks in the building were also tampered with.

The police were called by concerned students in the student union building, after which they evacuated the entire building and temporarily closed down the road in front. To reach the group, the police had to break through locks, doors, and furniture. Approximately 20 individuals were arrested during the operation, suspected of gross unlawful entry. The police acted on their own initiative.

For THS, the events have resulted in 67,500 SEK in repair costs, 170,000 SEK in lost revenue, and yet to be determined costs for furniture. Since THS is a member organization, this is funds that could have been used to maintain operations that benefit the members.

In addition to being the members’ building at KTH, Nymble is also a workplace for THS staff. As their employer, we have a responsibility to ensure a safe working environment for our employees, something we take very seriously.Nymble is owned and managed by THS to provide KTH students with a space for studying, meetings, and socialising.

We are disappointed that the will and right to express oneself turned into destruction of a place where KTH students should be able to come together to create a positive study and social environment through democratic processes, both today and tomorrow.

THS Student Union Board

THS News

Meet the newly elected to KL, THS Management team!

Friday After Work is Back

Regarding the incident in, and impact on Nymble on June 7, 2024

Interview with KL, THS management team HT24

Article in DN!

Information regarding the demonstrations on campus 29th of May