
  • Maximum number of people in the room: 200
  • Maximum number of people seated: 120
  • Bookable 12 weeks in advance
  • The door to Gasqueparken can be used for passage, but must remain closed after 22.
  • Groups of people or loud activities are not allowed in Gasqueparken after 22
  • Bookable times:
    • Weekdays: 15-03
    • Weekends: 08-03
  • Other regulations:
    • The emergency exit towards Bastun may not be used, except for emergency evacuation
  • The renter may bring their own food.
  • The venue is outside the serving permit, which means the renter may bring their own drinks and is responsible for following the Swedish alcohol law themselves. 
  • Alcoholic beverages cannot be ordered through the Restaurant or THS Event Manager.


  • Chairs
  • Tables


  • Sound system. Bring your own cable (RCA to 3.5 mm).
  • Projector
  • Projector screen.
  • 2 Convection ovens.
  • 3 Stove tops with 4 plates
  • 2 Fridges
  • 2 Microwave ovens
  • 1 Dishwasher with its own dosing
  • 1 Refrigerated bench
  • Cleaning cabinet and toilets
  • First aid kit
  • Tableware
    • Small plates
    • Large plates
    • Deep plates
    • Water glasses
    • Wine glasses
    • Shot glasses
    • Spoons
    • Knives
    • Forks
    • Dessert spoons
    • Water jugs
  • Important: ask KårX for the key if you want to use the tableware.

Professional cleaning:
This means that you do not have to completely restore the premises yourself before your booking period is over, you only need to take down decorations, collect all rubbish together in garbage bags and take all your personal belongings with you before leaving the premises.
Price: SEK 1,200/premis

Complete cleaning:
If you choose to clean yourself, you sign the booking confirmation that our general cleaning rules are followed, which in short means that the premises must be restored exactly as it was when you got there before the booking time is over + all rubbish is thrown away in the 30s basement which is located at the front by Nymble.

If these cleaning rules have been inadequately followed, a cleaning fee of SEK 1,600/premis will be added.